domingo, fevereiro 12, 2006

UTILIDADE PUBLICA: Da sociedade Moderna para a Era Pós-Moderna
O mundo está num processo de globalização que leva a muitas mudanças. Não só a tecnologia muda, mas, mais que tudo, a cultura está a mudar. A cultura está para uma organização como a personalidade esta para a pessoa.

Entao este texto não só tem interesse no contexto empresarial como também ao nível social.

"We are in a technological revolution, therefore innovation is now becoming a normal word in the companies vocabulary, whom must change constantly their productive processes. But it is not only on this physical aspect that the companies and the world perceived the change, it is more than everything at the cultural level.
The foundation of the new paradigm comes from the Man new needs and wants. Our mentality has been changing along the centuries and now we are moving from the Modernization period to the Postmodern era. “These cultural changes, in turn, are now redirecting the trajectory of advance industrial society, leading to the deemphasis of economic growth as the dominant goal of society and the decline of economic criteria as the implicit standard of rational behavior” (Inglehart, 1990). According to Inglehart (1997) “in Postmodern society this emphasis on economic achievement as the top priority is now giving way to an increasing emphasis on the quality of life”. Furthermore the same author states that “Postmodern values give a higher priority to self-expression than to economic effectiveness: people are becoming less willing to accept the human costs of bureaucracy and of rigid social norms”. And these are the changes that raise the new leadership paradigm

Por Filipe Magalhães, Janeiro 2005

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...
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Anónimo disse...

paradigma de uma nova era da humanidade ?? não nos deixes de estimular com as tuas pesquisas, valoroso Magalão ! ai ai, quando vieres, nem sabemos o k te fazemos ! mas será algo gostoso !